Graphic Design Commissions

Quick version
The commerical use price is stated after the personal use price below.
Check my TOS for more info.Logos start at 15€ / C 50€Character / mascot designs start at 20€ / C 50€Illustrations start at 30€ / C 100€Picturebooks / Comics start at 30€ a page (an even number is reccomened due to printing)Merchendise prints start at 15€ / C 50€Visual Identitiy packages start at 50€ / C 200€
These include a logo and deigns for all documentation and the book of standards.Vector tracing starts at 10€
Commercial use is only paid if it's my digital art that's being vectorized.Photoshoped Pieces / Wallpapers start at 15€ / C 50€Printable deisigns such as stickers or posters start at 15€ / C 50€PowerPoint Templetes start at 10€Ad images / gifs start at 25€ / C 100€Packaging / Wrapping / Pattern designs start at 20€ / C 100€Prices heavily depend on the elements requested.
These are just starting prices!
Most of my examples are old.I spent 5 years studying graphic design so most examples are from then.Currently focusing on Digital Art so it's unknown when I'll get more new examples.Note: the purple dog example below was made as a vector and then shaded as a raster.I am planning to make stickers in the future tho!Check below for a picture book I made for my final project!
Picture book: Wild Spirit
Example of a picture book I did back in high school as a final project over a single week in 2020.It was more of a prototype so having full characters on the scenes wasn't a priority.I was able to draw and write it out, the story is about a team of animals with magical powers. I also have fullbody versions of them drawn digitally which I then vector traced for the picturebook.These are also shown chronically rather than in printing order.I've learned and improved a lot since and am certain I can make a greater picture book now! Keep in mind I had a week to complete it while attending school so it has a lot of shortcuts in it such as patterns and now quality fast backgrounds.It's not fully translated but here are each page's descriptions:1. Wild Spirit - Cover
Prologue picturebook
Marten Kruno and friends!2. Inside cover/endpaper printing
Logo of the Wild Spirit Tree3. First and Second Page
Kruno dreams about being a superhero one day with the legend and monologue.4. Third and Forth Page
Kruno preparing for his day, talking more about himself and his friends who are fighting against great darkness.He is trained in martial arts and loves to draw or paint.5. Fifth and Sixth Pages
Oliver the Olm tells Kruno about the powers of the martens before him, and their elements of creativity.You just need a little creativity and anything is possible.Kruno says he'd make a dragon or a unicorn appear and wonders why they haven't been seen anywhere for centuries.6. Seventh and Eighth Page
Kruno eats breakfast and talks about his friends who help cook for the team, a Euro-Asian lynx Rami and a monk seal Simona.7. Ninth and Tenth Page
Kruno talks about other members of the team who are searching far and wide for the Wild Spirit's magical crystals.Konor the black stork and Tanja the Horvath's rock lizard who soar the skies while Mesek the grey wolf and Zuma search the land and loggerhead sea turtle8. Eleventh and Twelfth Page
Goodbye from Kruno.A free page for the kid to draw that the characters will put on their fridge to remember their visit.